News >> Aspect Types (Tools of Astrology Series)
Author, using the harmonic theory, calculates the relative strength of all ecliptic aspects (without orb consideration) and proposes the objective system of partitioning of all aspects into 5 groups, based on aspect relative energy. These results encourage the readers to choose the right aspect set for a particular astrological task finally based on objective criteria.
The history of aspects is
at least 2000 years old, but the choice of �the right aspect for the task� and
determining the relative strength of that aspect is still defined by subjective
preferences. Historical data from an
extraordinary thirty year old and still relevant review, Recent Advances in
Aspect Types
Major aspects (00,
600, 900, 1200, 1800) are usually
ascribed to Ptolemy and sometimes referred to as Ptolemaic aspects. Major aspects dominated astrology until the
early seventeenth century when minor aspects and the quintile group of aspects
were introduced by Kepler (180, 240, 360, 720,
Morinus (17thcentury) claims that he invented the semisextile and quincunx aspects.
By the twentieth century
there were a number of minor aspects in use � some multiples of 300and 450 (300, 450, 1350, 1500)
and others that do not fit into these categories such as 7.50, 100,
11.50, 150, 200, 22.50, �.
In 1945 Wangemann began an empirical
study of aspects that ultimately extended over 20 years of full-time research. Quite independently of Nelson she derived a
consistently reliable system of aspect interpretation based on multiples of
7.5-degree geocentric aspects.
Addey and Landscheidt (20thcentury) have suggested the term �micro-aspects� independently for angles of
7.5 degrees or less.
Unlike all prior theories,
�harmonic theory� suggests that all integral divisions of 360 degrees may be
valid even when the resulting interval is one degree or less.