News >> Interpretation of your psychological portrait on the scales
We are all very different - silent and talkative, cheerful and not so. Some like big noisy companies , while others prefer a close family circle. If you are reticent and not very confident, even for a maximum of the first scale (level of self-confidence , enthusiasm and leadership) does not make you a confident leader and a maximum of a third scale (the ability to learn, the level of curiosity and a desire to communicate with other people) does not turn you into a chatterbox . However, on that day you will be a little more confident and finally dare to express their long worn-out ideas for a production meeting or ... declaration of love.
The maximum in the fifth scale (physical energy , ambition, competitiveness) for the average person and a professional athlete means different things . For the first - best state of health and a desire to play football with his son , the second - the ability to beat a personal best .
Thus, the middle of the scale - it"s your normal , "average" condition. The deviation of the same scales up and down - it"s your personal highs and lows.
Combining the results of all seven scales together you know its status on a particular day . Rare cases of "totally good " days (all scales at the maximum) or "absolutely bad " days (all scales at a minimum). Most days - "mixed" . They are good for one type of activity , but unfavorable to the other. Using our forecast , you can better manage your time and your life , improve the family environment, to strengthen its position at work, be more successful and feel happier.
A couple more tips:
Do you want to declare your love? Choose a day when your 1, 3 and 4 of the scale, and at least the fourth scale is positive.Love meeting? The day when 4 and 5 of the scale will be positive in both of you.The meeting with the boss - positive 1, 3, and 7 of the scale.Working interview - positive 1, 3 , 4 and 7 of the scale.Family dinner? - 2 positive scale .Family dinner with the participation of the older generation - positive 2 and 7 of the scale.Bachelor party? - 1 and 5 positive scale.Bachelorette party? - Positive 3 and 4 scales.Buying a car? - Positive 4and 6 scale.Just " do some shopping"? - 3 positive scale .Renovated apartment - positive 2 , 5, and 7 , if major repairs .